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Daffodil Pathways Transformational Coaching

Kristin Smedley, RN, BSN

Holistic Menopause Coach

"Step boldly into the essence of
who you truly are, embracing
your power, and unlocking a life of
bliss, joy, and purpose"

 Grab your Free Menopause Resource Guide here!

My mission!

I created Daffodil Pathways Transformational Coaching during a time of my own struggle trying to find the best menopause support, and care. I felt a shift to create something I was passionate about. 

I personally understand the frustration of being dismissed or misunderstood, and the struggle with symptoms, and not "feeling like myself." That’s why I’ve dedicated myself to empowering women during this transformative time with the knowledge, tools, and the support they need to feel confident, healthy, and in control. 

want to share this space with you, walk together, serve and support you during all stages of menopause.

On this journey for you I will walk side by side with you, meeting you where you are on your path so you can expand and find deep fulfillment in your life.

My mission is to guide you towards symptom relief and empowerment for this season of your life.

My goal is for you to lead a more joyful, energetic, healthy lifestyle and feel well informed about your future health…and find your way back to YOU!


Let's connect

Offerings & Inspiration

1-on-1 coaching

This is a safe space, helping you feel more confident, empowered and find your bliss in this season of life with personalized guidance.

Schedule a 1:1 call

"Working with Kristin, my Nurse Coach, has been an enlightening journey filled with compassion, guidance and profound insights. Kristin's dedication to both empowering and guiding me, as well as her flexibility with scheduling appointments has been truly remarkable. Her dedication, expertise, personalized approach and genuine care has enhanced and inspired personal positive change, growth, and a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in my life. I am profoundly grateful to Kristin, for being an exceptional Nurse Coach and a beacon of light in our healthcare community."



"During my sessions with Kristin, she met me where I was at the present moment and provided me with validation, and just the right amount of insight to open me up to new possibilities. Kristin's belief in me ignited my own dormant belief in myself.”

In a very short period of time, Kristin has been able to help me focus on several health issues. She is mindful of me as a whole person and encourages me significantly. Having a coach, with a nursing background who actually listens and follows-up on my concerns and empowers me to pursue options which have a postive impact on my health. 

Thank you Kristin!


“Perhaps I was on a different rollercoaster ride but just as scary, and you taught me to enjoy the ride! To even lift my arms up in the air because you made me feel safe. Something I had not felt with several doctors, therapists, and specialists.”

Thank you-Thank you!

-Evelyn Rojas

The latest from my socials, and and my recent interview at Brainz magazine!

With the daffodils, nature weaves a tapestry of renewal, reminding us that every ending births a new beginning.” – Rumi

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